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Practical English Test For Colleges(PRETCO)(Level A)模拟题

Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Example: You will hear:

You will read: A) New York City.

B) An evening party.

C) An air trip.

D) The man’s job.

From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C) An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin.

1. A) .Fixing an engine. B) Repairing a car.

C) Cashing a check. D) Buying some wheels.

2. A) Visit Japan. B) Cook some food.

C) Travel abroad. D) Eat outside.

3. A) One of a cheaper price. B) One of a different color

C) One of a fashionable style. D) One of a smaller size.

4. A) He has changed his plan. B) He has canceled his trip

C) He is arriving this afternoon. D) He forgot to arrange his trip.

5. A) They had lost their way. B) They were told it would rain.

C) They were caught in the rain. D) They had taken an umbrella.

Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversation. There are 2 recorded conversation in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question ,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices market A), B),C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Conversation I

6. A) Going shopping. B) Staying at a hotel.

C) Taking a trip D) Buying a book

7. A) By check. B) In cash.

C) By credit card. D) By mail.

Conversation 2

8. A) Buying an apartment. B) Repairing her apartment.

C) Renting an apartment. D) Painting her apartment

9. A) One near a park. B) A large one.

C) A cheaper one. D) One with a good view.

10.A) The size. B) The furniture.

C) The location. D) The rent.

Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passage. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. The incomplete answers are printed on your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin.

11. To look for ___ _ .

12. She filled out ____ ___ _.

13. She had little _____ ___ _ .

14. A job as a _____ ___ .

15. She felt it was very .

Part II Structure (15minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. Mary is the kind of person who always seems to be a hurry.

A) on B) in

C) with D) for

17. This time next week I’ll be on vacation. Probably I on a beautiful beach.

A) am lying B) have lain

C) will be lying D) will have lain

18. , we went swimming in the river.

A) The day being very hot B) It was a very hot day

C) The day was very hot D) Being a very hot day

19. She didn’t go to the cinema last night, she had to finish her term paper.

A) as B) if

C) till D) though

20. I have found some articles the harmful effects of drinking.

A) being concerned B) concerned

C) to concern D) concerning

21. So loudly that people could hear it out in the street.

A) did the students play the music

B) the students playing the music

C) the students played the music

D) have the students played the music

22. At the international conference, the famous scientist gave an excellent report on his recent experiment.

A) basing B) based

C) to be based D) to base

23. There are so many dresses there that I really don’t know to choose.

A) whether B) when

C) which D) why

24. I think that Anna is far the most active member in our group.

A) with B) at

C) as D) by

25. I’m still unable to make myself in the discussion, which worries me a lot.

A) to be understood B) understanding

C) understood D) understand

Section BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

26. Jim told me he (join) the army two years before.

27. I’m the (little) experienced of all the doctors here

28. In some parts of this city, missing a bus means (wait) for another hour.

29. The businessman lost a (gold) chance to make a big fortune.

30. Frankly speaking, I’d rather you (say) nothing about it for the time being.

31. You should be aware that this rare bird was on the list of human (protect) .

32. In the middle of the room there was a Christmas tree (decorate) with colored lights and glass balls.

33. Did you get the (permit) from the authorities to run the business ?

34. Doctor Richard, together with his wife and three children, (be) to arrive in Beijing this afternoon.

35. They decided not to visit the Great Wall because it was raining (heavy) .

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B). C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Most of us grow up taking certain things for granted. We tend to assume that experts and religious leaders tell us “the truth”. We tend to believe that things advertised on television or in newspapers can’t be bad for us.

However, encouragement of critical thinking in students is one of the goals of most colleges and universities. Few professors require students to share the professors’ own beliefs. In general, professors are more concerned that students learn to question and critically examine the arguments of others, including some of their own beliefs or values. This does not mean that professors insist that you change your beliefs, either, It does mean, however, that professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.

If you premises (前提)are shaky, or if your arguments are not logical, professors personally point out the false reasoning in your arguments. Most professors want you to learn to recognize the premises of your arguments, to examine whether you really accept these premises, and to understand whether or not you draw logical conclusions. Put it this way: Professors don’t tell you what to think; they try to teach you how to think.

On the other hand, if you intend to disagree with your professors in class, you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas. Arguing just for the sake of arguing usually does not promote a critical examination of ideas. Many professors interpret it as rudeness.

36. In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that people .

A) easily accept certain things without a second thought

B) grow up through learning certain things in life

C) are forming their views during their growth

D) have strong beliefs in authorities while getting old

37. Nowadays, most colleges and universities encourage students to .

A) criticize others

B) share professors’ beliefs

C) give their own ideas

D) change their own beliefs

38. The word “shaky”(Line 1, Para.3) most probably means “ ”.

A) creative B) firm

C) false D) weak

39. To help students develop their critical thinking, professors mainly teach them .

A) choice of their premises

B) the way to think independently

C) skills of drawing conclusions

D) different kinds of argument

40. According to the writer, the right way to argue is to .

A) argue mainly for the sake of arguing

B) prove it with a good conclusion

C) support your idea with sound reasoning

D) examine others’ ideas critically

Task 2Directions: This task is the same as task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.

Human cloning (克隆)technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged, and other problems may be solved if human cloning and its technology are not forbidden.

With cloning, infertile couples could have children. Current treatments for infertility, in terms of percentages (百分比), are not very successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before.

We should be able to clone the bone marrow(骨髓)for children and adults suffering from leukemia(白血病).This is expected to be one of the first benefits to come from cloning technology. We may learn how to switch cells on and off through cloning and thus be able to cure cancer. Cloning technology can be used to test for and perhaps cure gene–related diseases.

The above is just a few examples of what human cloning technology can do for mankind. This new technology promises unprecedented advancement in medicine if people will release their fears and let the benefits begin.

41. Heart attacks can be treated with human cloning technology by .

A) removing the damaged part of the heart

B) replacing the old heart with a cloned one

C) repairing the heart with cells cloned from healthy ones

D) giving the patients injections of various medicines

42. The word “infertile” (Line 1, Para. 2 ) most probably means “ ”.

A) unable to give birth to a child

B) with physical and emotional problems

C) short of time and money

D) separated from each other for long

43. According to the passage, one of the first expected benefits from cloning technology may be in .

A) the treatment of heart attacks

B) the bearing of babies

C) the cure of blood diseases

D) the detection of gene–related diseases

44. Cancer may be cured with the cloning technology by .

A) attacking the diseased cells with healthy ones

B) controlling the growth of the cells

C) detecting disordered genes in the cancer cells

D) activating cancer cells by switching them on

45. According to the writer,the main problem with the development of human cloning technology is that .

A) it may be out of human control

B) it has brought about few benefits so far

C) people still know little about it

D) people are afraid of such technology

Task 3

Directions: After reading the following introduction to the course on First Certificate in English, you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 through 50) .You should write your answers briefly on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

A local telephone directory is sometimes called the White Pages. This directory provides an alphabetic listing of names and telephone numbers and other telephone reference information. The front pages usually contain information about area codes; billing; customer service; directory assistance(帮助); local, long - distance, and international calls; time zones; rates; emergency numbers; and other items relating to telephone use.

The next section of the telephone directory typically contains the residence listing, or entries, of community residents. The third section contains business listings, or entries, of local businesses and organizations. In some less populated(人口不密集的)or rural areas, the residence and business listings may be combined in one section.

Some local directories contain listings of local, state and federal(联邦的)government offices and agencies. These listings might be united into the business listing section, or they may be in a separate section of the phone book. These government listings typically are arranged by the name of the state government and then by departments or agencies.

Local Telephone Directories

Another name: 46

Arrangement of its contents:

Listing of names and telephone numbers: given in an 47 order

Area codes and other useful information: contained in the 48 .

Residence listings: provided in the 49 section of the directory

Government listings: given either in the business listing section or in a 50

Task 4

Directions: The following is the contents of a book on stocks. After reading it, you are required to find the equivalents to those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.

A. -acceptance letters I. -order letters

B. -adjustment letters J. -reference letters

C. -application letters K. -sales letters

D. -collection letters L. -news releases

E. -complaint letters M. -annual reports

F. -credit letters N. -feasibility reports

G. -inquiry letters O. -investigative reports

H. -memorandums P. -progress reports

Example: ( D ) 催款函 ( M ) 年度报告

51. ( ) 投诉函 ( )可行性报告

52. ( ) 推销信 ( )申请书

53. ( ) 新闻发布 ( )咨询信

54. ( ) 进度报告 ( )备忘录

55. ( ) 调查报告 ( )定货信

Task 5Directions: There is an advertisement below. After reading it you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) that follow. The answers should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

INSTRIMPEX International Tendering Company (CNIITC)


Baiyun Airport Relocation Project

In accordance with the Loan Agreement between the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and Japan Bank for International Cooperation for Baiyun Airport Relocation Project, INSTRIMPEX International Tendering(招标)Company (CNIITC) is authorized to purchase, by way of calling for international competitive bidding, the commodities and related services for the above mentioned project. The payment for the purchase shall be made under the Loan.

BID No. 0717-CICJP024209B

Terminal Passenger Boarding Bridges

BID No. 0703-CICJ02012227

Electrical Management System

Interested bidders may obtain Bidding Documents between 9:00 and 11:00 am / 1:30 and 4:30 pm (Beijing Time) from November 22 to December 12, 2002 (except weekends and holidays) at CNIITC office, upon non-refundable (不退还的)payment of RMB ¥12,000 for Terminal passenger Boarding Bridges and RMB 1,800 for Electrical Management System. For mail order, an extra RMB ¥450 express (快递)mail postage shall be added.

Bids must be delivered to the CNIITC office at or before 10:00 am (Beijing Time) on January 10, 2003, and will be opened at 10:00 am (Beijing Time) on January 10, 2003 at the following address. CNIITC Office Address:

Rm 317, Instrimpex Building ,6 Xizhimenwai Street, Beijing 100044, China

Tel: (86-10) 68363322 ext. 3010, 3020 fax: (86-10) 68317392, 68354383

56. What is the name of the project for bids?


57. Which company is in charge of the bidding?

International Tendering Company.

58. What is the item of BID No. 0703-CICJ02012227?


59. Where will the bidders obtain Bidding Documents?

At .

60. What is the deadline for delivering the bids?

At or before 10:00 am (Beijing Time) on .

Part IV Translation - English to Chinese (25 minutes)

Directions: This part numbered 61 through 65 is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 61 through 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation / Composition Sheet.

61. No one can use cell phones in any areas at the hospital where equipment might be affected by the interference

from cell phones.

A) 在医院的任何区域都不得使用手机,因为会受到设备的干扰。

B) 在医院的任何区域,手机会影响设备的使用,任何人都不得使用。

C) 医院里没有人使用手机,因此不会影响设备的使用。

D) 医院内,在可能干扰设备使用的任何区域,禁止使用手机。

62. China’s consumer price index in July dropped by 0.9 percent from a year earlier, against a decline of 0.8 percent in June..

A) 7月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期相比下降了0.9%, 而6月份该指数下降了0.8%。

B) 中国消费物价7月份下降至前一年的0.9%,比6月份只下降了0.8%。

C) 7月份中国消费物价指数比一年前下降了0.9%,比6月份下降了0.8%。

D) 中国消费物价指数7月份比前一年下降了0.9%,而与6月份相比,又下降了0.8%。

63. In general, the application-or misapplication-of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole.

A) 一般说来,科学技术在各个领域的应用或不用,将会全面影响社会结构。

B) 总的说来,科学技术在各个领域的应用或误用,必然会影响社会的总体结构。

C) 总的说来,各种科学技术在其领域中的应用或不应用对整个社会结构都会造成一定程度的影响。

D) 一般说来,申请或不申请科学技术项目,对整个社会大结构都有一定的影响。

64. Given ATMs’ small number in the country, China’s banks, major investors in ATM technologies, will continue purchasing ATMs.

A) 因为国内自动提款机数量很少,中国的银行将会继续购买自动提款机,主要投资在自动提款机的技术上。

B) 中国的银行和自动提款设备的主要投资者,会继续购买自动提款机,将少量的送到乡村。

C) 由于全国自动提款机数量很少,所以自动提款设备的主要投资者-中国的银行业将会继续购买自动提款机。

D) 中国银行和自动提款设备的大投资者们,将会继续购买少量自动提款机并且把这些提款机放在农村。

65. Helsinki Card (HH 赫尔辛基卡)enables the tourist to travel free on the buses, trains and subway. Holders of the card enjoy a 70% discount on the sightseeing tour and special benefits at restaurants, theatres and concerts, as well as small gifts at department stores. The validity (有效期)of Helsinki Card is 1,2 or 3 days. The card is sold at the Hotel Booking Centre, and travel agencies.

Part V Writing (15 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete an e-mail message for room reservations. Some information and the e-mail form are given to you. Remember to write the message in the corresponding space on the Translation / Composition Sheet.

写信人: Li Qiang


收信单位:Reservation Office

电子邮件网址:groupsales@ aston. com



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