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时间:2011-10-15 00:00:00  作者:  点击:


Ladies and gentlemen,

Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City.

The train will be stopping in five minutes.

Please check to be sure you have your belongings.

And have a good stay in the Big Apple.

Thank you.

Well, here we are.

It was so nice meeting you, Mr. Stewart.

And nice meeting you, too, Mrs. Tobin.

Please look us up.

Were in the phone book.

Dr. Philip Stewart, in Riverdale.

Your son?

Thats right. And have a good time in New York.

And dont be so independent.

Youre very lucky to have a caring family.

When can we go fishing?

Robbie, well go fishing soon, Robbie,

and well take your dad with us.

Im ready, Grandpa. You name the day.

Thats a great idea, Grandpa!

Philip needs a day off.

Lets give him our presents--now.

Good idea.

Presents--for me?

From me and Marilyn.

And this ones from me.

I looked all over the house to find it.

Richard, these are terrific pictures.

This one really brings back memories.

You remember that day, Robbie?

I sure do. It was fun.

Oh, Im sorry Susan isnt here.

I miss her very much.

She feels bad, too, Grandpa.

She called to say the plane was delayed.

You know airports.

I cant wait to see her.

She looks just like Grandma at that age.

Id better unpack.

I started traveling twenty-four hours ago.

Im not so young anymore.

Dont you want something to eat?

No, thanks.

After a good nights sleep, Ill enjoy breakfast even more.

Well, come on, Dad.

Ellen and Ill take you to your room.

Im sure glad youre here, Grandpa.

Good night, Grandpa.

Pleasant dreams.

Philip, do you have the key to the trunk? Philip,

I have the key, but it doesnt work.

I sent the wrong key.

I have something for you. I made it myself.

I think youll enjoy it.

I researched it for over a year.

Its our family tree.

Oh, Grandpa! How exciting!


Why, I didnt know that your grandfather was born in Germany.

Lots of interesting information about our family.

A gift from me.

Thank you so much.

Grandpa! Grandpa!

Oh, Grandpa, Im so happy to see you!

Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter.

Like I always said, you look just like Grandma.

I think youre going to be very happy here with us.

I know you will.

I dont feel alone anymore.

Malcolm Stewart is not alone anymore.

Thats for sure.

In fact,

hell have his family around him every day of his life now.

Finding some peace and quiet may be a little difficult.

But my father wont be lonely anymore.

He has me,

Philip Stewart, nearby and the rest of his family.

He has Ellen, his daughter-in-law.

You know, I met Ellen

when I was a student of the University of Michigan.

Later she became my wife.

We have three children now.

Our oldest son is a photographer.

Richard is very talented, like his grandfather.

Marilyn is talented too. She designs clothing.

Marilyn is Richards wife

and shes also a sister-in-law to Susan.

Susan is my daughter.

Susan reminds us of her grandmother,

Bernice Cassidy Stewart, my mother.

She was kind, intelligent and loveable, like Susan.

Susan has two brothers, Richard and Robert.

We call him Robbie. Hes our other son.

He loves his grandfather very much.

Well, thats our family, the Stewarts.

Did you follow me? Lets see.

Who is my daughter? Thats it. Susan is my daughter.

How about this?

Who is Robbies grandfather?

Malcolm is Robbies grandfather.

Okay, who is Susans sister-in-law?

Marilyn is Susans sister-in-law.

Thats right.

Well, thats our family and I love them all.

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