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时间:2011-10-16 00:00:00  作者:  点击:


What happened?

The baby-sitter called.

His daughter is sick.

Whats wrong?

I think she has a stomachache.

Hes a good father.

So... what do you think of him?

Hes very nice.

But I think he was nervous tonight.

It was his first date in two years.

Will you see him again?

I hope so.

This food is delicious.

He didnt get a thing to eat.

You ordered enough for three or four people,

but Im not complaining.

The food is delicious.

Who is that?

Do you think its...

No. You wont believe it, Marilyn!

I believe it. Even without looking.



Your downstairs neighbor let me in.

Did you go home?

I did , but everything is OK,

so I decided to come back.

To apologize for leaving so early,

I brought you a little gift.

Its a bonsai tree

for your new apartment.

Hi, Marilyn. I hope its not too late.

Oh, not at all. Were still eating.

Please, come in. Join us.

Its our meal from the restaurant.

And how is your daughter?

Oh, shes fine.

It was only a tummy ache.

Its good that you went back.

Yes, I think its important for me to be there

since her mother died.

I agree. Arent you hungry?

As a matter of fact... I am hungry.

Theres lots of food left.

Mmm, this is delicious!


Im going to excuse myself.

I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow.

Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you.

Bye, Marilyn.

Good night, Susan.

Good night, Marilyn.

Shes going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow.

She is sleeping here

so she wont have to travel from Riverdale in the morning. 。

You two must be close.

we are.

The whole Stewart family is close.

I like that.

And then, two years ago, my wife died.

You miss her.

I do...yes, but I have Michelle...

and with time...

Is there anyone else in your life?

No, not yet. What about you?

Oh, I date occasionally,

but my work keeps me busy.

Ooh, speaking of keeping busy-

I have an early start tomorrow,

and the baby-sitter has to get home.

Where did the time go?

Its midnight.

Thank you, Susan.

I had a nice evening.

Me, too, Harry.



Id like to meet your daughter someday.

Does that mean that I can see you again?

Of course.

Wonderful. Ill call you,

and well go out to dinner.

Please do.

I promise I wont leave early.

It was for a good reason.

You know something?


I think were going to be good friends.

Good night, Susan.

Good night, Harry,

Have a safe trip home.

Are you all right?


I never liked that umbrella stand.

Good night, Harry.

Hes an accountant.

He works with numbers.

Hes an accountant.

He manages your money.

Hes an accountant.

He plans your taxes.

An accountant.

An accountant.

Thats his occupation, his job.

Shes in business.

Shes the vice-president

Shes in business.

Shes the boss.

A vice-president.

Thats her occupation, her job.

Shes a sales clerk.

She sells clothing.

Shes a sales clerk.

She works in a store.

Ya, shes a sales clerk.

She designs clothing too.

A sales clerk.

Thats her occupation, her job.

Shes a teacher.

Thats her job.

Yaaa shes a nurse.

Thats her job.

Hes a pilot.

Thats his job.

Those are occupations.

Theyre all jobs.

Thats her job.

Thats her job.

Thats his job.

Those are occupations.

They are all jobs.

Hes a vendor.

He sells food on the street.

Hes a vendor.

He sells hot dogs.

Ya hes a vendor.

He sells ice cream.

A vendor, an accountant,

a sales clerk, a nurse,

a teacher, a pilot.

They re all jobs.

a vice-president,

in a toy company.

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