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时间:2011-12-05 00:00:00  作者:  点击:






The Takeout Business in Manhattan

I suppose there are studies that connect the ubiquitousness of takeout in Manhattan with the increase in two-job families or the supposed hatred of cooking by yuppies, some of whom are said to live in expensive apartments that have no kitchens. I have never actually run across an independently confirmed case of yuppies living in an expensive apartment with no kitchen, although a friend from that generation told me that he once sought to use the oven belonging to someone with whom he’d become romantically involved and found that she was using it to store fashion magazines.

Ubiquitousness:existing everywhere;

你要是查1983年以前出版的字典,你可能还找不到yuppy这个字。实际上,yuppy是一个缩略字,它是由 young urban professional这三个字的第一个字母组成的,也就是yup。后面再加上p和y这两个字母来形成第二个音节。新出版的字典会告诉你,所谓yuppies就是那些很有抱负,受过高等教育,住在大城市有专业性的工作,生活很富裕的年轻人。很多baby boomers后来变成了yuppy。 请听一位yuppy的自白吧。

例句-3: "I guess you can call me a yuppy. Im 37 and I make enough money to afford the right things in life. See this gold Rolex watch? I eat in the best restaurants and drink a good wine instead of whiskey. Yes, of course, I drive a BMW."

这个人说:"我想你可以把我看做是一个富裕的年轻人。我今年三十七,我的收入使我有能力享受生活中美好的东西。这只Rolex金表,看见了吗?我到最好的饭馆吃饭,喝上等的酒,而不喝威士忌。是的,没错,我开的是德国宝马牌汽车。"虽然baby boomer的人数有将近八千万,但是他们究竟不能代表美国全部的人口。更何况 baby boomer不见得个个都富有。因此像上面这位 yuppy说的生活方式在美国并非普遍现象。但是,对于这种一切在于享受的生活方式,有的知识分子也看不惯。请听听他们的看法:

例句-4: "The trouble with most yuppies is that they dont have independent minds of their own. They follow the latest fashions in food, wine, clothes, cars and amusement like a herd of sheep."






1)The statement declared that the international order must be changed or the gap between developed and developing countries would continue to widen.


2) The foreign visitors watched in a fascinated manner the tournament held in Beijing, which exhibited a superb performance in smash service, twist service, steady service high drop and killing and ended in a draw.



It is also possible that the Manhattan restaurant industry simply came to realize that a city so compact that even prosperous families often do not own an automobile is an ideal place for developing a delivery business; literally thousands of customers live within a quick walk or a basketless bicycle ride from any restaurant. However it came about, it came gradually. (When Abigail was born, in the late sixties, and her parents were thus sentenced for a while to a wearing but oddly pleasurable form of house arrest, the closest we got to takeout was for me to go to an accommodating Italian restaurant across the street and have them pack food in plastic containers that looked as if they were designed for some other purposes.)

Literally: in a literal manner, exactly


外卖盛行也可能仅仅是曼哈顿餐饮业认识到了像纽约这样人口如此稠密的的大城市,那里连富有的家庭都不想买汽车,正是发展外卖业务的理想场所,(准确的说) 因为成千上万的就住在离餐馆步行或骑跑车几不之遥的地方。然而不管外卖是因为什么原因发展起来的,它是一步一个脚印地慢慢发展起来的。(阿波齐尔60年代末降生,她的父母也因此而陷入一种令人厌烦、却又奇怪地让人感到愉快的短期软禁状态之中,当时,我得亲自到马路对面那家乐于助人的意大利餐厅,麻烦店里把饭菜装在一种看起来不是用来装饭菜塑料袋里。)

Sooner or later, though, the distribution of takeout menus became so relentless that a lot of New Yorkers began to see it as a form of commercially viable littering. I would guess, from my own experience, that most residential buildings in Manhattan receive menus from at least one restaurant every day. For a while, in fact, it was common in my neighborhood, Greenwich Village, to see signs on doors saying “No Menus”---Sometimes in both English and Chinese. I never thought posting such a sign myself. Yes, I occasionally get irritated when the steps in front of my house are littered with paper menus from two or three Chinese restaurants of the sort that seem to acquire their food from one gigantic kitchen, presided over in a dictatorial but not terribly inventive way by General Tso. But my attitude toward takeout menus is reflected in that brilliant slogan the New York State Lottery uses in its advertising: “Hey, you never know.” It was a takeout menu, slipped through the mail slot of my door, that alerted me to a splendid little sushi restaurant on West Fourth Street called Aki, whose chef’s experience working for the Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica had inspired him to put on the menu a roll that includes both jerk chicken and hearts of palm(腌鸡肉和棕榈仁).

Viable: sound and workable, feasible

不久,派送外卖彩旦变得如痴如狂,许多纽约人开始把外卖菜单视为有助商业成功却造成环境污染的垃圾。(尽管大家有怨言),根据我的经验,曼哈顿居民住宅每天还是会收到至少一家餐厅送来的外卖菜单。事实上,有一段时间,我居住的格林尼治村里,经常可以看到居民门上贴着“不要菜单”的条子,有时还是用英文、中文两中文字书写的。我从来没有想过贴这样的条子。不错,有时看到房子台阶上散落着两三家中国餐馆散发的菜单也会感到恼火,这种参观好西哪个是一家大厨房上的货,管理方式像左(宗堂)将军一样霸道却毫无创意。我对于外卖菜单的态度,充分体现在纽约州彩票宣传广告词里“嘿,结果往往出人意料。” 这种外卖菜单,是从门口的邮箱口塞进来的。它告诉我在西四条街上有一个叫阿奇的小餐馆,富丽堂皇,专卖生鱼片冷饭团(寿司),餐馆的大厨曾经给日本驻牙买加大使做过饭,因此在菜单上话了一只饭团,里面包着腌鸡肉和棕榈仁。

Delivery by a restaurant of Aki’s quality reflects a second stage of development in the New York takeout scene. When delivery of Chinese food consisted strictly of Takeout Chinese, for instance, I did not think of it as an acceptable alternative even to scratching around in the refrigerator for some leftovers. When we had some reason to eat our Chinese food at home rather than at a restaurant, I drove to Chinatown with my daughters and two or three of the dinner guests, everyone having been assigned to pick up a certain dish at a certain restaurant according to a split-second schedule---a food-gathering exercise we referred to as an Entebbe Raid.


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