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时间:2011-10-14 00:00:00  作者:  点击:

一. 翻译下面的商务词汇短语。(30%)







7. to place an order

8. EMP

9. trial order

10.to make an exception

11. to effect shipment

12. Sight L/C

13. CIFC5 New York

14. FCL

15. firm offer

二. 翻译下面三段话。(30%)

1. Perhaps the most spectacular feature of the Grand Canyon,its Redwall limestone cliff,stands about half way up the chasm and is practically vertical. Its average height is 550 feet — almost exactly that of the Washington Monument. Though it is actually gray-blue limestone,the surface of the cliff has been stained to a sunset hue by iron salts washing out of the rocks. Above the Redwall come alternating layers of red sandstone and shale 1,000 feet thick,then comes the next pale-blue layer. The topmost layers are a yellowish limestone.

2. Since the early 1980s,however,adventure-oriented and nature-based vacation activities have become increasingly popular. Developing alongside a global rise in environmental consciousness and respect for cultural diversity,ecotourism is the one of the fastest growing sectors the travel and tourism industry. Mountain climbing in the Himalayas,roughing it on a wilderness expedition,trekking in the Amazon rainforest and whale watching on the high seas are attractive alternatives to the urban comforts of five-star hotels and classy restaurants.

3. Walls of these gardens are usually painted white. Hidden among the flowers, trees and hills, white walls stand in sharp contrast to the gray tiles and brown windows. Strolling about these gardens, with the tree shadows swaying on the white wall and willow reflections dancing in the ponds, tourists may then find themselves truly enjoying a moment of peace and relaxation in this paradise beyond the turmoil of the world.

三. 口译下列旅游词汇 (40%)

1. 精选路线

2. 附加旅游项目


4. 特别服务要求

5. 组团人数

6. 民俗旅游

7. 行业考察旅游

8. 路线图

9. 旅游者过夜数

10. 延长逗留

11. 中国画

12. 水彩画

13. 草书

14. 文房四宝

15. 牙雕

16. 唐三彩

17. 彩陶

18. 景泰蓝花瓶

19. 檀香扇

20. 布达拉宫

测试题七 参考答案

一. 翻译下面的商务词汇短语。(30%)

1. market share

2. quality control system

3. advanced production line

4. superior quality

5. sales position

6. out of stock










二. 翻译下面三段话。(30%)

1.也许,大峡谷最引人注目的风貌特色是“红墙”石灰石悬崖。它耸立在裂口半当中,几乎是垂直的。平均高度为550英尺—- 几乎和华盛顿纪念碑一样高。悬崖其实是灰蓝色的石灰石,但是从岩石里渗出的铁盐却将其表面染上了晚霞般的色彩。在“红墙”的上方,是红色的沙岩和1000英尺厚的页岩交替层,然后是浅蓝色的沙岩层,最上层是淡黄色的石灰石。


3. 花园的墙壁通常粉刷成白色。隐匿在鲜花、树木、小山丛中的白墙,与灰瓦褐窗形成强烈的反差。白墙上树影婆娑,池塘中柳枝起舞,在园中徜徉的游客,也许能在这室外桃园里真正地享受片刻安宁。

三. 口译下列旅游词汇 (40%)

1. selected itinerary

2. add-ons

3. time for personal arrangements

4. special service requirements

5. group size

6 .folk custom tours

7. trade observation tour

8. itinerary maps

9. guest nights

10. extension of stay

11. traditional Chinese painting

12. water color painting

13 .cursive hands

14. the four treasures of the study

15. ivory carving

16. Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

17 .painted pottery

18. cloisonné vase

19. sandalwood fans

20 .the Potala Palace

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